Archive for the ‘Bread and Pizza’ Category

I have created the ultimate bread

Sunday, September 16th, 2007

Have you ever noticed that most bread that is supposedly good for you has the texture and flavor of particle board?  I have long nurtured my dream of creating a bread that is both nutritious and tasty.  I developed this recipe over the course of the last 5 or 6 years and it now comes out just about right every time.  It is a good deal more difficult than running over to the local Safeway, but the extra effort adds a certain sweetness to the finished product.

Gary‘s Sprouted Wheat Bread   Yield: 4 loaves 

Amount           Measure         Ingredient


1                      cup                  wheat berries before sprouting

½                     cup                  powdered milk

½                     cup                  honey

½                     cup                  vegetable oil

 2                      packages       dry yeast

3                      teaspoons      salt

4                      cups                water, warm

¼                     cup                  soy flour

¼                     cup                  wheat germ, toasted

2                      tablespoons   flax seed meal

4                      cups                bread flour

 4                      cups                whole wheat flour  


To sprout wheat berries, cover with warm water for 12 hours, rinse and drain every 12 hours until sprouts are about 1/8 inch, usually 36 to 48 hours. Grind sprouts in food processor with 1 cup of water until it resembles a thick batter, add one package yeast and process 30 more seconds. Pour into large bowl (at least 7 quarts) set aside 30 minutes or until very frothy.  Add all remaining ingredients except the flour, starting with the wet ingredients (don’t forget that you already added 1 cup of the water) mix well then add the flour and hand mix until all moistened. Let it raise until doubled before you attempt to knead. On low speed, knead until it all pulls away from the sides of the bowl, it will remain very sticky, which prohibits hand kneading, and you may have to add 1 -2 cups additonal flour depending on the whims of nature. Allow it to double in the bowl.  Separate into 4 equal parts and put it in lightly oiled bread pans.  Allow it to double again, at least even with the tops of the pans. 

Bake at 375 for about 40 minutes 

Bon Apetit my friends.